Surfrider Spanish Language Brochures
Included in the download packet is Spanish versions of: (El paquete de descarga incluye versiones en español de):
- Beach Access Brochure (Acceso a las playas)
- Blue Water Task Force Brochure
- Clean Water Brochure (Agua limpia)
- Coastal Preservation Brochure (Preservacion costera)
- Ocean Protection Brochure (Proteccion oceanica)
- Ocean Friendly Gardens Brochure (Jardines que ayudan al oceano)
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants Brochure
- Surfrider Overview Brochure (Fundacion Surfrider)
- Plastic Pollution Brochure (Polucion plastica)
- Student Clubs Brochure (Red de clubes estudiantiles)
(Download digital versions of all current Spanish Surfrider brochures in trifold format)